Dr. Sahar A. AL-Hamli

Assistant Professor – Financial Management and Economics

Kuwait International Law School

Financial Management and Economics

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Office hours (updating every semester): TBA

  • PHD  Kings College of London                UK  Economic  
    MSc  University of Westminster             UK  Economic  
    BA  Kuwait University                             Kuwait   Economic  
Information will be added later.


An Enhanced Sentiment Analysis Framework for Students and academic ‘ Surveys: Arab Open University Business Program Case Study .2018  

Sharma, Al Hamli. Starring Role of Educational Institutions in Nurturing Entrepreneurship through Education. The Business Review, Cambridge Journal, Vol. 25, Num. 1, 2017 summer.

Al Enezi, Sharma, Al Hamli, Exploring Relationship in-between the Acquired Education and Current Job Scenario for the Employees in the Public Sector, State of Kuwait. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 

Extent of Success of the Economic Reform Program in Advancing Economic Development in Egypt and Kuwait.  Journal of Ain shams University. 

Al-Hamli, S. Islamic Bounds and their Role in Economic Development. Review of Economics & Politics Science Journal of University of Cairo University. 

Al-Hamli, S. Measurement & Evaluation of Kuwait Development plan. Aneveshika. Journal of Green Heaven Instate of Management and Research. 

Al-Hamli, S. The Concept and Application of Economic Reform: Arabic Case Studies. Journal of Ain Shams 

ALHamli, S. Islamic Bounds and their Role in Economic Development. AL-Nahda Journal of University of Cairo University.

Al-Hamli,S.(2013). Administrative reform Concept Models and Mechanisms of countries. In Al Azhar Magazine 

Assistant professor, Financial Management and Economics, Kuwait International Law.