Professor Al Maqatei, members of the Board of Trustees, KILAW staff, students and your families.
Thank you for inviting me and my colleague to this very special occasion, we are very happy to be here joining in your celebrations. This is a special day for all of you and most particularly for graduating students and their families. It is however, a special day for KILAW for another reason.
The School recently went through an external review of the education it provides, undertaken by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. This is the agency that carries out reviews and audits of all universities and colleges providing higher education in the UK.
The agency also offers its reviews to institutions in other countries. KILAW went through such a review in September and it has now learned it has passed the review successfully.
Completing an International Quality Review provides accredited recognition from the UK that will strengthen KILAW’s reputation,
and demonstrate to students and partners that its quality assurance arrangements meet international best practice.
I was the manager of the review and my colleague, Dr Roy Ferguson was a member of the panel carrying out the review so it is a particular honour for us that you have invited us back to join in this ceremony.
I have much pleasure in awarding you this certificate which confirms that the education at KILAWS has been quality assured by the UK Quality Assurance Agency and that you have passed all ten of the European Standards and Guidelines for Higher Education.