Kuwait International Legal Research Center (KILRC)

An academic, training and advisory institution, affiliated with Kuwait International Law School (KILAW)

Towards a distinct legal center at the local, regional and international level.

To improve legal knowledge and provide legal services in accordance with international quality standards, to fulfill the responsibility of the Center towards the community and its commitment to serve its interests through effective professional partnership locally, regionally and internationally.

The Center seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1- Studies:

  • To provide qualitative services and advisory support in the legal field to various companies and institutions, through studies, research, advisory and consulting services according to the latest mechanisms of specialized legal work and advanced techniques.

2- Research:

  • To strengthen research projects and motivating researchers in the legal field to conduct original and sophisticated research that reflects the needs of the local, regional and international community.
  • To raise the efficiency of researchers and developing their research skills in keeping with the latest realities in various legal fields and their contemporary applications.

3- Training and qualification:

  • To raise the level of legal training as well as legal and professional qualification for the target sectors.
  • To spread legal culture and awareness in general and supporting comprehensive comparative legal studies.

4- Cooperation:

  • Activate cooperation and professional partnership with all relevant bodies and institutions at the local, regional and international levels.
  • To strengthen cooperation and closer links between the Center and universities, in particular those associated with the School through joint agreements or projects as well as other centers of common interest locally, regionally and internationally.

5- Mechanisms:

  • Adopting a methodology of sustainable modernization and development of the Center, establishing a dynamic legal database that provides the necessary readiness to prepare studies and research, and to provide the best legal advice and opinion in a timely manner.
  • Governance systems and rules in the commercial, economic and administrative fields.
  • Rules for the protection of intellectual property in various legal systems and their increasing importance.
  • Criminal law, the Code of Criminal Procedure and various areas of application.
  • Constitutional law and different areas of application.
  • Local, regional and international environmental laws and different areas of application.
  • Economic Laws (Trade Law, new Business Companies Act, Capital Markets Authority Law, Monetary Law, Banks, Central Bank, Tender Law, Auctions, etc.) and their various areas of application.
  • Comparative Islamic legislation and different areas of application.
  • Islamic financial and banking transactions and their various applications.
  • Legal English.
  1. Preparation and funding of studies and research:

The Center will finance the studies and research proposed by researchers from inside and outside Kuwait International Law School within the framework of the priorities set by the Executive Board of the Center. The Center also prepares studies and researches required by public and private institutions. It has carried out a number of studies, including a study by the Ministry of Electricity and Water.

  1. Preparation of legal training programs:

The Center has established (Kuwait International Legal Training Institute – KILTI), which was accredited by the Civil Service Bureau in Kuwait as a specialized institute in legal training. It provides training programs according to the annual plan of the Center and the needs of the labor market. The Center is keen to use the best trained professionals and experienced training experts, whether they are members of the faculty of Kuwait International Law School or from outside the School. The Center is also ready to undertake training at the headquarters of the authorities upon request. The Center is working on completing all preparations for the presentation of the Diploma in Legal Skills for Non-legal Personnel as well as the Legal English Certificate as specialized programs that meet the needs of the labor market. The Center has implemented a number of training programs for different bodies.

3 – Presentation of fatwas (advisory opinions) and legal advice:

The Center provides advisory opinions and legal advice to all public and private bodies in the various legal fields, and in the fields of detection of forgery and counterfeiting.

As a result of its dependence on the Kuwait International Law College, the Center is benefiting from all the great possibilities offered by the College, which are designed to the latest international universities’ institutions to accommodate all training and research needs as well as teaching and student needs.

  • More than 86 faculty members from different nationalities and legal schools with long teaching, research and training experiences.
  • A rich and diverse Library containing (currently):
  • More than 13,000 titles and growing,
  • The most important and oldest Kuwaiti and Arab legal periodicals,
  • The most important specialized legal electronic libraries in Arabic (Salah AlJassem Systems)
  • The most popular electronic legal libraries in English: (Lexis Nexis- Hein On line – Westlaw and Westlaw Middle East Databases) which includes reports in English, Information Center for sources of International and Foreign Law, Classical Legal Works, United Nations Treaty Series and Legal Publications, Comprehensive Guide to the Constitutions of States in the World,
  • In addition to many different sources.
  • Cooperation agreements with a group of leading universities in a manner that enables benefiting from their long-standing legal expertise in the fields of research and training:
  • University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
  • University of San Diego, United States of America.
  • Stanford University, United States of America
  • University of Queen Belfast, United Kingdom.
  • University of Milan, Italy.
  • The moot court as an integrated simulation hall as a replicate of the public courtrooms for practical training.
  • More than 30 rooms equipped with the latest educational and training methods (audio and visual).

برنامج وهج الروح محاضرة بعنوان : اقترب من ذاتك أكثر لتشرق د . ابراهيم الخليفي

( برنامج وهج الروح )اللقاء الفكري الثاني الدكتور أيوب الأيوب محاضرة بعنوان : فن التفاؤل

( برنامج وهج الروح ) اللقاء الفكري الثالث الدكتور أحمد بوزبر محاضرة بعنوان : الشخصية ذات الرفع الرباعي

( برنامج وهج الروح ) اللقاء الفكري الرابع الأستاذ حسن بورحمة. محاضرة بعنوان : الثقة والمستقرات


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