Dr. Farah Yassen
Associate professor – Public International Law
Dr. Farah Yassen
Associate professor – Public International Law
Kuwait International Law School
Public International Law
Room number: TBA
Extension: 469
E-mail: Send an Email
Office hours (updating every semester): TBA
She holds a PhD from University Pierre Mendès-France (Grenoble 2), France, Project entitled “Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Today” and a masters in International and European Law (Grenoble 2) », France ,Project entitled “Distinction between Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Today” and Bachelor in Law from Lebanese University, Faculty of Law, Lebanon
Her Publications are: – International Standards and the Administrative Model of Capital Market Regulation in Kuwait, May 2016, KILAW Journal; Newpath for teaching law: Non-formal education, Sep 2015, KILAW Journal .
Information will be added later.
is a full time Assistant Professor in KILAW. Her field of interest is Human Rights, Public International Law and Introduction to Legal Systems…