Addressing corruption crimes that undermine opportunities for investment development

3 Hanan Aldarawsheh

Public Law - Law - Applied Science University


Corruption is a phenomenon that threatens societies and is a major reason for the backwardness of peoples and may constitute the end of civilizations, because it is not a modern phenomenon but a manuscript referred to it by India more than 2,500 years ago, as it is also not a local phenomenon but rather a global phenomenon whose degree and severity vary from one country to another. It is well known that the types of corruption are multiple and may affect the vital joints of the state in terms of education, health and other different state institutions, as it is considered one of the most important obstacles that stand in the way of the economic, social and institutional development of a country, and it is not hidden to anyone that it has a major impact on investment flows, especially foreign investment . Studies differ on the relationship of corruption to investment. Some believe that corruption constitutes an obstacle to investment, while other studies see that corruption has a positive impact on foreign direct investment specifically. However, fighting corruption is the main base of national security and at the top of the requirements of this security is knowing how to deal with the file The investment with wisdom, flexibility, transparency and away from extremism and lawlessness. The importance of research: Corruption crimes are not merely a deviation in the application or violation of the law, but rather constitute a breakdown in the legal system of the state. The seriousness of the phenomenon of corruption lies in that it exceeds the borders of the state and the importance of research lies in: 1- The need for more rooting and research on this phenomenon and its effects on investment 2- The seriousness of the effects of corruption on economic development and on undermining political systems. 3- Corruption has an expensive social and economic cost, because it hinders investment opportunities, which necessitates research on ways to tackle corruption crimes. The goal and problematic of the research: The research seeks to try to reach mechanisms to reduce the manifestations of corruption because it leads to increasing inequality in the distribution of incomes, and the increase in poverty and unemployment and resulting from obstructing investment opportunities. Therefore, the following questions must be answered through the research: 1- What is corruption, what are its causes, and what are its most important manifestations and effects? 2- Does corruption hinder investment and thus leads to standing up to economic development? 3- What are the ways to combat corruption crimes and what are the measures that must be taken to achieve this? Research methodology: This research is based on following the descriptive analytical approach to the phenomenon of corruption and its effects on investment through reliance on specialized sources and research in this type of studies to try to analyze the mechanisms that can be followed to dry up the sources of corruption and open roads to the wheel of development and investment opportunities. Search Plan: The first topic: the concept of corruption. The first requirement: what is corruption and its types. The second requirement: its causes and effects. The second topic: the relationship of corruption crimes with investment. The third topic: Anti-corruption mechanisms Preliminary results of the research: Corruption is not just a local phenomenon, it is a global phenomenon, and the most dangerous one is cross-border. Corruption is not limited to the public sector, but extends also to the private sector. Initial recommendations for research: - There must be international and regional cooperation to combat corruption in all forms and the development of legal strategies for that. - Working to spread a culture of integrity and transparency because it is considered one of the values ​​system that has an effective role in developing the public and private sector, and here the importance and role of the Ministry of Education and the role of curricula in this field arise. - Supporting e-government systems because of their active and major role in good governance and transparency. Corruption crimes must be excluded from the special amnesty law. - Raising immunity for those who commit corruption crimes and enjoy this type of immunity so that the public prosecution can move the criminal case in corruption crimes as quickly as possible.


Mechanisms and efforts, foreign investment, investment, anti-corruption