Seventh Session (Public)

The Sovereignty of States and Emerging Challenges

9:00 – 11:00 (School’s Lobby)
Chair: Dr. Abdulkarim Al Kandari
Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee – Kuwait National Assembly

International Governance and Sovereignty: Judicial Control of Acts of Sovereignty (British Supreme Court Ruling on the Case of Torture and the Authorities’ Complicity in the case of Belhaj)

Prof. Satvinder Juss – King’s College London – UK

Sustainable development across borders: new frontiers in international law

Dr. Ralph Wilde –  University College London – University of London – UK

International law and State responsibility for current crises

Dr. Catherine MacKenzie – Faculty of Law – University of Cambridge – UK

Global Governance: Sovereignty Reinvented in the Context of Territorial Claims

Dr. Luke Wilson – School of Law – The George Washington University – USA

The Centenary of the League of Nations: a Lasting Legacy of Sovereign Equality and Deviation

Dr. Ardit Memeti – KILAW