The legal framework for the enhancement of small and medium enterprises’ role in investment business

Tala Zein

Law Department - lycee abed el kader - Aix marseille university


Through our paper, we are seeking to highlight the importance of the role of small and medium-sized enterprises in investment at national level on the one hand, and at regional and international levels on the other. Lebanese laws often fail to ensure incentives for investors, at both legal and financial (taxes) levels, even though the Lebanese economy is mainly based on small and medium-sized enterprises’ activities, especially within the current situation. We will go through the different law amendments achieved by the Lebanese legislator in order to make Lebanon more attractive to investors, assess them and compare them to other legal systems. This assessment and comparison will help us highlight the strengths and weaknesses of our law in establishing an appropriate body of rules that correspond to the needs of Lebanese SME's owners.


enterprise, incentives, companies.