“Using technology to develop and attract investment”

Doctor baher abdelraman

Public Law - law - assuit


The world is witnessing today what is called the "modernization revolution", which is seen as a process that includes economic and social changes. The modernization aims to rationalize the benefit of natural, human and industrial resources and all the capabilities in the best ways and ways, in light of a modern society that uses all means of culture, science and modern technology and applies them and publishes them in all around the world . But with the advancement of technology, the spread of the Internet and satellites, and the spread of satellite channels, investment in education, training, health, industry, agriculture, and other important areas of society has become important because they have a great role in forming and moving domestic and international investment With the development of technology, the fourth industrial revolution came with mechanical and technological innovations, and these innovations helped investors in carrying out their mission and facilitated the expansion of their investment base and spread throughout the world. As a result of the use of technology and all modern means and artificial intelligence in exploiting the sources of natural wealth, this richness has created a modern system of technical education that was the reason for helping citizens to enjoy communication and transportation services, such as various technology means and their applications, as well as satellites, the Internet and others. However, education and training is the first step in modernization and without education according to sound and advanced scientific foundations using all modern technology that are appropriate for the twenty-first century, and without that there is no reform, no progress, no prosperity, no development, since the modern social state has a central cultural function, along with its economic and social functions And legislative. Especially that the rehabilitation and training of young people is the fuel for any reform or economic development commensurate with the third millennium, so young people are the primary engine for any real development and actual progress with its ability to work and creativity in thought and keep pace with technology and its knowledge of what many developed countries have reached with modern technology. Among the most important entrances to reforming the investment infrastructure is what the educational institution plays, and artificial intelligence in the fields of modern science and technology can provide knowledge for everyone and anywhere, knowing that scientists and specialists in technology in developing countries can only get and see a very small amount of the results Modern research. In light of contemporary legal developments and challenges facing investment in the region, modernizing legislation in proportion to the spread of modern technology has become extremely important in attracting forms, especially because the law represents a critical importance in the practical impact of protecting and attracting investment.


Modernization revolution, modern technology, youth qualification and training